Wisdom for Wellbeing: Holistic Psychology
Adelaide, South Australia | Telephone: 0434 779 475 | Fax: 08 8472 9556 | e-mail: kaitlin@wisdomforwellbeing.au
Australian Helplines
Australian Government's National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080
Health Direct 1800022222
Lived Experience Telephone Support Service (LETTS) 1800013755 (5pm -11:30pm)
Mental Health Triage (24 hour link to mental health services, support, referral) 131465
Beyond Blue 1300224636
Family relationship advice line 1800050321
Lifeline 131114
SANE helpline 1800187263
Suicide call back service 1300659467
The Line (information and support for relationships) 1800695463
1800 Respect 1800737732 (confidential information and support for family violence or abuse)
Pregnancy birth and baby helpline 1800882436 Information and counselling service
Parentline Australia 1300301300 (Support, counselling and parent education)
Tresilian 0297870855 (Advice for parents of children aged 0-5 from Child and Family Health Nurses)