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A belated Happy New Year! (Or, shall I say New Decade!?) Can you believe we are already in the busyiness of the 'Festival Season'?!

I have been a bit quite on the email front here... as I have been working on a fun little project, the Wisdom for Wellbeing Podcast. Which, I hope will serve support you on your journey to create a meaningful life.

Wisdom for Wellbeing has featured some amazing conversations with some very wise individuals. Some of the topics that have been introduced include:

Each episode has a take-away action - something you can do to move your life in a direction that feels more aligned with where you would like to be heading. You can think of this as your personal project.

There will be 20 episodes in Season 1, and I am just planning out Season 2. I would like to include interviews with other healthcare providers so you could learn more about other areas that impact mental wellbeing, for example gut-health. Let me know if this resonates with you, and if you have an ideas for topics of interest!

Wishing you well, and some nights of self-care in this busy time of year.

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